Brittany James
writer, author, mother
Brittany James is the author of Boundless: Why a Latter-day Saint Mom Went Back to Work (And How it Saved Her). She grew up living in four different states and came to know some of the darker secrets of the impoverished, rural communities, which influences her writing.
She can’t help appreciating beautiful type, especially if it is in the books she is reading: usually memoir, historical fiction, or epic fantasy. Although, during the holidays she can be found reading a romantic comedy. She has been known to buy a book simply for its beautiful margins.
While writing and admiring books, Brittany is juggling her two little ones, a web development job, and baking sourdough loaves and artisan pizza. She also loves eating ice cream while watching anything related to Star Wars with her husband.
Book addict, typophile, mother of two, I am an author passionate about empowering women, especially mothers, to be true to themselves.
Why a Latter-day Saint Mom Went Back to Work (And How it Saved Her)
I was at risk to lose my faith, my personality, my sanity — essentially my entire self.
When Brittany James became a mother at twenty-five, she quit her job just like she was supposed to — just like her mother tried to do for over twenty years while caring for eight kids. This was Brittany’s big chance to achieve her lifelong goal of being a mother who could focus solely on her child.
But being a stay-at-home mom wasn’t the blissful future she had imagined.
When she brought her newborn girl home, she descended into a hazy, directionless life that scared her. She questioned her deepest beliefs about her God-given role of motherhood and the religion she was raised in as she discovered the realities her own mother faced raising her.
This is an account of the struggles of working mothers. It is a story of the strength of faith and intuition and, ultimately, finding your own path. Brittany James crafts a journey of self-discovery that takes the reader to the core of what it means to be a mother and to believe in God.
Take some time to appreciate this beautiful margin of empty space.
“There was never yet an uninteresting life. Inside the dullest exterior, there is a drama, a comedy, a tragedy.”
— Mark Twain
We’ve got to have a giant quote somewhere, right?