Brittany James Brittany James


I submitted Boundless, my memoir, to a handful of literary agents and small publishers. I spent quite a while looking though QueryTracker to find agents who could possibly be interested in it.

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Brittany James Brittany James

Researching and AI

While researching for a historical novel based on Beatrice Warde, I have found that using technology to find and understand first-hand documents to be essential.

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Brittany James Brittany James

Two Women Walked into a Bar by Cheryl Strayed, A Review

This short memoir caught my attention while I was putting my daughter to sleep. I needed something quick to read on my kindle. Reading it while feeling the weight of my three-year-old in my lap, her long legs draped over the edge of the arm chair and wisps of her hair tickling my nose, made it more appealing.

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Brittany James Brittany James

Smiley Face in the Road

There is a smiley face drawn on the road. It’s about a half mile from my house and the tar stands out dark against the faded asphalt. I see it on the walk I go on every morning. Well, not every morning. In fact, I have only gone a few mornings since we moved here. But my daughter just started preschool so I think I will go every morning. Positive thinking.

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Brittany James Brittany James

I wrote the wrong book

When the editor told me that she loved the memoir but it wasn’t what she expected, I knew something fundamental was wrong. I went through her notes, changing small things here and there, but her words kept coming back to me. It wasn’t what I expected.

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Brittany James Brittany James

I’m a writer who likes Chat GPT.

As a writer and a web developer with a basic understanding of artificial intelligence (AI), I am interested in the release of Chat GPT and other AI tools. We are on the verge of a whole new world.

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Brittany James Brittany James

A Writer’s Ramble

Follow me in my journey to becoming a better writer and a published author while also being a mother.

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Brittany James Brittany James

A rewired mind

I recently read the article We’ve always been distracted or at least worried that we are by Joe Stadolnik about how humans have always been worried that new technologies will keep us from learning.

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Brittany James Brittany James

5 Tips for Unputdownable Dialogue

Dialogue can make or break a story. I’ve read books that had dialogue that bogged the story down so much it was painful to read. “Good dialogue… is a delight to read; bad dialogue is deadly.”

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