Resources for Mothers

When I became a mother, it was a whole lot harder than I had anticipated. Now, as a working mother of two, I want to help mothers who are also struggling. Here are some resources that have helped me.

Pregnancy and Birthing

  • I took this Free Mini Birth Class and then bought her course for birth. This is good for any kind of birth (natural, epidural, c-section). I was so grateful for what I learned about pregnancy and birth from this doula. She also has the podcast Built To Birth which has all kinds of positive birth experiences.

  • Mama Natural is a great resource for holistic and natural information regarding birth. It helped me to understand the decisions that my care-takers were putting before me.

  • I took these Perelel Prenatal Vitamins. I would recommend doing your own research and finding the best way to support your pregnancy and postpartum. Deficiencies in certain vitamins or in protein can cause many preventable issues.

  • Meaghan Amor discusses the intimate details about beautiful births that she is a part of in her podcast A place called birth. She is an Australian doula, a HypnoBirthing educator, and more.

Newborns and Toddlers

  • The Montessori Notebook podcast is created by Simone Davies who is the author of The Montessori Toddler.

  • I watched so many of these videos from Our Little Nest which make Montessori method at home seem so easy. She helped me understand it is not just how the playroom looks, but how you respect the child. They also sell products on Montessori & Me.

  • Books for toddlers: I was surprised with the beauty of Creature Baby Animals. We are still learning from All About Bodies, which is a beautiful and simple way to teach your toddler about their body parts.

  • The Konny Baby Carrier is my favorite wrap-like carrier for young babies.

  • I loved putting my newborn in the SnuggleMe Lounger. It’s not strictly a necessity, but it was so nice. It might be worth finding it used.

Mental and Emotional Support

  • Dr. John Van Epp and Dr. Morgan Cutlip are working hard to support relationships after motherhood in their website My Love Thinks. They have a ton of free resources, a blog, and a podcast that focus on relationship support.

Physical Health

  • Make it Simple is a podcast about women’s health and fitness that I have recently started listening to. I have learned so much already!

  • I use the Down Dog App to do yoga, when I have a chance! I love it because it has a prenatal yoga and other options for pilates, HIIT, meditations, and barre.

  • I have been loving using The Conqueror Challenges, which are walking challenges based on fun franchises like Harry Potter or Star Trek or even real places.

Books I love:

The Montessori Home
By Ashley Yeh

Spiritually Centered Motherhood 
by Sherrie Johnson

The First Forty Days
By Heng Ou

Bringing Up Bebe
By Pamela Druckerman

Sexual Wholeness in Marriage
By Various Authors

Montessori from the Start
By Paula Polk Lillard

French Women Don't Get Fat
By Mireille Guiliano